You are right Dalin and I totally agree. Vision is really silly if you aren’t open to change. As Tom Kelly states, “Fail often to succeed sooner!”

Just so I don’t miss-represent the quote, I think Donald Norman is really trying to point out the habit we have in the industry of losing the vision of why we started in the first place as we test and change when we don’t have that person to keep the vision focused. It’s not uncommon to use testing as a way to make sure we make everyone happy or validate aesthetic decisions. Sometimes we can fall into the trap of designing by committee go get the safe results not really even focused on our users. Creating safe work is good. I think that’s the point. It’s just good.

Agree or disagree, that’s more of the context of the quote. You still have to test, change, re-think, re-do and all of that under the overall umbrella of a clear vision and purpose.

posted by Chris Mayfield on Wednesday, Dec 03, 2008